A Business Unit dedicated to Containment tests
& Monitoring to verify containment performance in the
production of active substances, intermediates and preparations,
guaranteeing the safety and protection of staff, products
(cross-contamination) and the environment.
Containment test
— Assessment & planning
— On field monitoring
— Laboratory analysis
— Data analysis & reporting
Monitoring activities
— Analytical method validation
— Sampling method validation
— On field monitoring
— Laboratory analysis
— Data analysis & reporting
Containment Test
The results of the containment test activities are of great use in building the internal knowledge of companies in terms of the containment of its processes. In fact, it is possible to compare different technological and procedural solutions based on measured data and thus support decision-making processes aimed at improving performance.
Containment testing is a fundamental best practice that is methodically used by pharmaceutical companies, CDMOs and technology providers.

Our group also provides services and analyses for chemical companies and pharmaceuticals aimed at evaluating the occupational exposure to API/HPAPI, isolated process Intermediates (IPIs), as well as process chemical agents and solvents.
The results of industrial hygiene monitoring constitute a key reference in the assessment process of chemical and carcinogenic risks in workplaces for chemical, pharmaceutical, CMO & CDMO companies.
Observe to prevent, contain to protect.
Download our references to find out more!